Business and Finance

Phone 229-776-8600
Fax: 229-776-6481




Seth Freeman

Finance Director

Email Seth Freeman

Melissa Emerson

Payroll Specialist

Email Melissa Emerson

Naverah Jimmerson

Accounts Payable Specialist

Email Naverah Jimmerson

Stephanie Sauls

Benefits Specialist

Email Stephanie Sauls

Travel Regulations and Reimbursement

Approval from the principal or immediate supervisor must be obtained before an employee travels during school time on professional leave, whether or not he/she expects reimbursement for travel. If the employee desires reimbursement or will be traveling outside the school district, written approval must be obtained in advance utilizing a Professional Leave Form (RPL).

Reimbursement for official travel will be made with submission of an Employee Expense Statement in compliance with Statewide Travel Regulations. An individual will be reimbursed for necessary expenses incurred while traveling on approval school system business. It is expected that conservation and good judgment will be used in the choice of lodging and eating-places. It is the policy of WCBE that employees car-pool and share rooms whenever possible. For overnight travel per diem rates are reduced by 25% for travel to/from days. When meals are allowed for non-overnight travel, per diem is reduced by 25% as well. Meals provided by any other source are not allowed for reimbursement.

Allowable Travel Expenses:

  1. Meals - receipts required for reimbursement from school activity accounts only

  2. Lodging - detailed receipt required

  3. Mileage - odometer reading and tag number required

  4. Parking, Toll Fees, and Miscellaneous expenses - receipt required

  5. Travel by Public Transportation (plane, train, rental, car, taxi, shuttle) - receipt required

1. Meal allowances are as follows:


Regular Price

Travel Day Price










Travel expenses for non-employed chaperones or students do not qualify for reimbursement from Worth County Board of Education. They must be paid through individual school activity accounts. Travel allowances are the same as those for Board employees. (Your school’s bookkeeper can tell you which expenses are reimbursable from an activity account.)

2. Detailed hotel bills (bills that show ALL charges and payments) must be attached to the travel expense statement in order to be reimbursed for it. It is policy of WCBOE that rooms be shared when possible. When sharing a room with another person, note on the expense statement their name(s). You may ask the hotel to divide the cost of the room, or note who paid for the room so that we can adjust the travel expense appropriately. When traveling overnight, you should take a Hotel/Motel Tax Exemption Request form. This form should be presented to the clerk when checking in. If for any reason the Hotel/Motel will not accept the tax exemption form, have the attendant to sign the bottom of the form & write (will not accept).

You must return this form with your travel expense statement in order to get reimbursement for County and Municipal tax.

3. A readable copy of the Professional Leave Form as well as a detailed Agenda of the conference/seminar must be attached to the expense statement. If you do not use a Professional leave form, the purpose of your trip(s) must be written on the expense statement. Your school bookkeeper or program clerk must indicate the expense account to be charged and initial the expense statement. The statement should then be signed by the Program Director or Superintendent before being sent to the Accounting Department for processing.

4. As of January 1, 2025, the reimbursable mileage rate is $0.70 per mile. In order to be reimbursed for miles, the beginning and ending odometer readings must be included on your travel expense statement. Allowable miles begin from your work location or your home. However when traveling to or from your home, you will not be allowed to claim the number of miles between your home and your normal place of work. A van is available for group travel and should be utilized when possible. 

The Board of Education does not pay travel expenses in advance. A professional leave form must be approved in advance by all appropriate parties. When traveling overnight, expense statements must be submitted within 10 business days. All travel expenses submitted after 10 business days, will not be paid, unless approved by the superintendent. Travel submitted after the year end cut- off date, will not be paid. Travel that is turned in by noon on Tuesday will generally be paid on Friday of the same week-- provided that the travel expense statement is complete and accurate (meaning all information is on the form and accurate, all required documentation is attached, and all required signatures obtained). The check will be mailed.

A complete copy of the travel regulations is available here