Student Support Services
Director of Student Services and Human Resources
System HHB/504 Coordinator
Kira Outlaw
Gifted Services Coordinator
Teresa Sumner
WCPS HHB/504 Coordinator
Mrs. Melissa Kelly
WCES HHB/504 Coordinator
Mrs. Laura Bartley
WCMS HHB/504 Coordinator
Dr. Saudia Powell
WCHS/504 Coordinator
Mrs. Sheryl Touze
GaDOE Links
Gifted Services
Student services encompass, Response to Intervention (RTI), Hospital/Homebound (HHB) Services, and Section 504. Our goal is to assist school based personnel with implementing a delivery model of instruction that will maximize student achievement.
The Worth County School District’s gifted program is funded by the State of Georgia. In Georgia, a gifted education student is defined as one who demonstrates a high degree of intellectual and/or creative ability(ies), exhibits an exceptionally high degree of motivation, and/or excels in specific academic fields, and who needs special instruction and/or special ancillary services to achieve at levels commensurate with his or her ability(ies).
The following gifted program models are available for Worth County School District students:
Kindergarten-grade 2: Gifted Cluster Model
Grades 3-5: Gifted Cluster Model and Gifted Resource Model
Grades 6-12: Advanced Content Model
Please review Worth County’s Gifted Services Manual for more information concerning gifted programming:
Hospital/Homebound (HHB)
HHB teachers will provide academic assistance that enables students to keep up with academic responsibilities while at home for medical needs. It is the goal of HHB staff to work closely with the family and the student's school to facilitate a smooth and successful transition for the student upon returning to a regular school program.